
Music In Action
Published: 5 March, 2022

My Week On Jersey

This week I have spent delightful days on the Island of Jersey in the English Channel.

First stop was a recital at Government House in the presence of the Lieutenant Governor, His Excellency Sir Stephen, and Lady Dalton. He is Her Majesty The Queen’s Representative on the island. I played a varied programme all the way from music by Gaspar Sanz to Queen and The Beatles via South African jazz composer Abdullah Ibrahim. This was followed by a magnificent buffet supper.

The next day I played in various schools to children ranging from 5 to 9 years old. This was a most moving experience for these were their first assemblies in two years following the Covid pandemic. I could feel the excitement of not just the children but of the teachers too. It transmitted itself to me, and I played with as much joy and spontaneity as I was able to muster.

The visit was organised by Music In Action, a non-profit organisation with a mission to educate, inspire, and create through music in schools, care homes, and at the Liberation Festival.

Thank you for reading.

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